Milestone : Functional Requirements (en)

To prepare the launch or the acceleration of the development of a solution, you need to anticipate the essential requirements that will make the result of your work credible to the target audience, i.e. to all the actors who will be impacted by your solution.

To do this, you will first need to describe the functional requirements of your solution. This is a document in which you can find a list of User Stories, i.e. all the actions that a user can perform with your solution, presented in a simple and understandable language.

For example, a User Story could be: “As a customer, I want to be able to create an account on the website in order to track my orders and register my delivery information.”

Or, “As a student, I want to be able to access course materials from anywhere and easily submit my assignments to the system.”

Using User stories will make it easier for you to mock up your solution to confirm the needs, goals and motivations of future users.

It will also allow you to anticipate technical constraints such as compatibility with existing systems.

Remember that the key to such a work on functional requirements lies in the commitment of all actors, whether they are users, experts, decision-makers or developers.