Milestone : Visual Design Concepts (en)

If not already done, it is important for the team to first build a desirable mock-up of the solution before investing resources in more complex development

Building a mockup allows you to test and validate your product concept. It allows you to identify potential design flaws, technical problems or potential improvements.

This can help you refine your idea and improve the functionality of your product before investing significant resources in its production.

For example, if you are building a new type of bicycle, a mock-up can help you test the ergonomics of the design and make adjustments to the handlebars or seat height to improve comfort.

Building a mock-up can also help reduce costs in the long run. It allows you to identify potential problems early in the design process, which can help avoid costly mistakes during the production phase.

For example, imagine you are building a new type of camera with several moving parts. Building a mock-up can help you identify any mechanical problems or interference, and adjust the design before moving to mass production.

Your model also allows you to communicate your idea quickly to potential investors, partners or customers.

It’s often easier to convey a concept with a physical model or prototype, rather than explaining it verbally or on paper.

For example, imagine you are presenting a new wearable device that tracks your sleep patterns. A mockup can help you showcase the design, functionality and user interface, which can help build interest and support.

A mockup can also be used to gather user feedback.

This is especially important if you are designing a new product or service. User feedback can help you identify potential problems or areas for improvement, and adjust the design accordingly.

For example, if you are creating a new application, a mockup can be used to gather feedback on the user interface, user experience, and other features.

Overall, creating a mockup of your project allows you to test and refine your concept, save costs, communicate your idea and gather user feedback.

This can help you improve certain features of your product and increase its chances of success in the target market.