Milestone : Audience Definition (en)

During the development of your project, you will define and refine your solution’s audience or, more commonly, the target market you are aiming for.

Be careful, the audience of a project is not only the final users, but all the actors concerned by the value chain in which your solution is included.

You must therefore take into account all the technical, logistical and regulatory intermediaries, such as buyers, regulators, sales representatives who will sell the solution, decision-makers and principals, and finally, the users.

It is only after having identified all the people who will be concerned by your solution that you can define a strategy to conquer your target market.

For example, the hotel and restaurant industries were among the first to see their value chains disrupted by new entrants, such as AirBnB, by digitizing the entire reservation process and putting consumer feedback at the heart of their strategies.
The cab industry has also undergone this violent transformation with the arrival of VTC operators such as Uber, who have managed to break down many logistical and regulatory barriers to liberalize and digitalize all layers of an economic sector.

It is now up to you to define what impact your project will have on the existing value chains.